You must know our working hours are very long and overtime work is frequent. 你得知道我们的工作时间很长,而且加班是常有的事。
A: No, often my boss requires overtime work. I: How much money are you making a month? A:不,我老板也经常要求加班。
Later in the month, if you were hoping to get a side job, more clients ( if self-employed) or overtime work, the new moon, May24, will help you accomplish that goal. 月底,如果你打算找份兼职,招揽更多顾客(仅指个体户来说)或者加班加点,五月二十四日的新月将帮你实现目标。
Some of my friends are also thinking about changing jobs now because they work for private companies that demand too much overtime work, Mr. Zhu said. 小朱说:我的一些朋友也在考虑换工作,因为他们在私企上班,私企很多会要求加班。
Moreover, only a small number of companies offer compensation or rewards for employees 'overtime work. 另外,仅有少数公司会补偿或奖励员工的加班行为。
As for the employer that arranges overtime work, it shall pay the worker for the overtime work in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. 用人单位安排加班的,应当按照国家有关规定向劳动者支付加班费。
We learned that Zhang Hua and her workers do all their overtime work on a volunteer basis – they receive no pay at all. 我们了解到,张华和其他工作人员所有的加班都是完全自愿的,没有任何的酬劳。
Employers usually don't like to pay for overtime work if they can manage. 只要能安排好,雇主通常不喜欢付加班费。
For overtime work, they usually reimburse employees for meals and transportation fees and double or triple their pay. 加班时,他们经常给员工报销餐费、交通费,向其支付双倍或三倍的工资。
In the overtime work field, click the resource assignment for which you want to enter overtime work. 在“加班工时”域中,单击要为其输入加班工时的资源分配。
His illness has something to do with his overtime work. 他生病与他加班加点的工作有些关系。
For job hunting, Shanghai people are more concerned with details as salary, welfare and overtime work, while Beijing people pay more attention to the prospect of a company. 在求职过程中,上海人关心的是诸如薪水、利是否需要加班等细节问题,而北京人则更注重公司的发展前景。
Please arrange for two gangs to do overtime work in Holds No2 and No3 tonight. 请安排两个工班今天晚上在二舱和三舱加班。
Article labourers shall claim the overtime work overtime, the existence of facts bear the burden. 第九条劳动者主张加班费的,应当就加班事实的存在承担举证责任。
In case of special site service, The SuperCTRL shall arrange its site service personnel to join in overtime work activities and on-duty till the problem is solved. 在特殊现场服务情况下,安排现场服务人员参加现场加班和值班直至问题解决。
He often did overtime work and was well paid for it, but somehow he never saved anything. 他经常不加班的工作,并同时为它支付,但不知何故,他永远不会保存任何东西。
When a regular workday is ten hours the overtime work may not exceed two hours for that particular day. 二当日正常工时达十小时者,其延长之工作时间不得超过二小时。
If so, do you get paid more for overtime work? 如果有,你得到加班费了吗?
What is the local legal premium rate for overtime work? 什么是超时工作的当地法律的保险费率?
Displays tasks in the timesheet that have overtime work applied to them. 显示时间表中具有加班工时的任务。
Right, partly through overtime work, and partly through other incentives. 正是,部分通过超时工作,部分通过其它的刺激。
Yes, often my boss requires overtime work, but there is often a handsome bonus for this. 是的,我的老板常常叫我们加班,可是加班费也相当不错。
Sometimes overtime work may be required. 有时也许要加加班。
If work requirements necessitate overtime work, Senior Executive shall be compliant to job arrangements of company, and company doesn't need to pay any overtime pay. 如因工作需要加班,高管应服从公司安排,且公司无须支付任何加班报酬。
Because work always represents the total amount of work completed, the amount of overtime work is included in, not added to, the total amount of work. 因为工时总是表示所完成的工作总量,所以加班工时量包括在工时总量中,而不是添加到工时总量中。
It gives workers the right to a signed labour contract with limits on overtime work, compulsory social insurance and timely payment of wages. 新劳动法规定,工人在签订劳动合同时有权要求雇主限制超时工作、上强制性社会保险和及时支付工资。
The extra order resulted in overtime work for all the factory staff. 额外的订购造成全场人员加班加点。
You may be able to pick up freelance work or overtime work, too. 或者,你可能会得到一份额外的工作或者加班,都不一定。
Is overtime work approved in advance by an authorized officer? 逾时工作是否由一名批核人员预先批准?